Project countries until 2018:

  • West and Central Africa

    • Burkina Faso

    • Mali

    • Niger

    • Guinea Bissau

  • Eastern and Southern Africa

    • Angola

    • Äthiopien

    • Madagaskar

    • Malawi

    • Mosambik

    • Ruanda

    • Südafrika

Project countries since 2018:

  • West and Central Africa

    • Tschad

    • Demokratische Republik Kongo

    • Elfenbeinküste

    • Liberia

    • Mauretanien

    • Guinea Bissau

  • Eastern and Southern Africa

    • Kenia

    • Südafrika

    • Madagaskar

    • Malawi

    • Mosambik

    • Somalia

Further countries involved:
Äthiopien, Botswana, Burundi, Lesotho, Ruanda, Swasiland, Tansania, Uganda und Namibia

Schools for africa.

Schools for Africa” is one of the most successful privately funded educational projects worldwide.

Led by Nelson Mandela’s vision that education can change lives and enhance society, the “Schools for Africa” initiative was established in 2004. The initiative aims to enable every child to go to school. To date, “Schools for Africa” has helped more than 30 million children to realize their dream of education. Schools are built and equipped, teachers are trained, children are provided with school supplies, and access to clean water and hygiene is ensured. In many of the countries enrolled in the program, the concept of “child-friendly” schools is already firmly anchored in the country`s education policy.

In total, more than 300 Million USD has been in this project, of which 67 million came from Germany.

  • 2,800 schools were built or renovated.

  • 30 million children benefited from the initiative, including four million in countries affected by natural or military conflicts.

  • 4 million disadvantaged girls were able to attend school on equal terms.